Earn Extra Income
while enhancing their game
Whatever your golfing skill level, there is a spot for you as a Caddy Time caddie
Tired of your current job prospect? Looking for a way to make some extra money that is fun and actually pays well?
We’ve been there.
How to Get Started.
Take the Assessment
Download the Caddy Time App on iOS or Android and create your account. After doing so, you will be prompted to take our Caddy Time assessment. This will give you a ranking (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum).
Find Requests
Make sure you keep your notifications on. As Golfers post requests in your area, be on the lookout for opportunities to caddie. Once you see a job that works for you, simply accept it. It’s that easy.
Caddy Time!
On the day of your round, be sure to meet the Golfer ahead of time to make sure they have everything they need. Check out our resource library in the app if this is your first time. Once the round is over, rate the golfer and get paid that week.
As a CaddyTime caddie, you can easily
earn $20 - $50 an hour.
(that is not a typo)
Frequently Asked Questions
Never caddied (or played golf) before, can I really do this?
Of course you can! Our app screens all caddies to assess their knowledge and skill level of the game of golf. This allows the caddies to know where they stand and depending on their ranking, they can be eligible for certain job requests. There are several resources in the app that will help you fine tune your skills as a caddie.
What if the golfer is a no show, or cancels last minute?
At Caddy Time, we understand how important you5 time is, and we don’t want to waste it. If a golfer does not show, or cancels within two hours of the tee time, then you still get paid 50% of your round.
What if I am unsure of what the golfer expects?
On the Caddy Time system, caddies can review each request’s details before they decide if they are the best person to fulfill the request.
Do I really get paid that quickly?
In short, yes. In fact, you can even get paid before you leave the course, as golfers are strongly encouraged to tip the caddies at the end of the round. Once you successfully complete a round of golf, we start routing the payment to your designated bank and you are paid in days, not weeks.
How local are the jobs to me?
To start, you will only receive job requests that are at course within 100 miles of your address. If ever you want to travel or look outside that radius, its as easy as updating your search location in the app.
Am I allowed to only caddie at one course?
Nope. You can caddie at any course the golfer requests you to caddie at. You are likely going to get experience at several different courses in a short amount of time.