Go To Caddie and Caddy Time announce supporting partnership to enhance caddie and golfer knowledge on course.

Go To Caddie and Caddy Time Logos with a golf course background

Go To Caddie, the leader in custom yardage books and yardage book holders, and Caddy Time, the mobile app that matches golfers with qualified caddies, today announced their partnership to enhance the overall course knowledge for both caddies and golfers alike.

Together, we will be:

·      Providing qualified caddies with course yardage books for every tournament that Caddy Time and Go To Caddie sponsor.

·      Providing courses with the opportunity to have qualified caddies with yardage books and custom yardage book holders for their shops.

·      Building interest in golfing, caddying, and course management.

For more information about Go-To-Caddie, please visit their website at www.gotocaddie.com and Caddy Time at www.caddytime.com


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